Sunday, October 23, 2016

Music video analysis

The video I choose is may we all by Florida Georgia line

Construction of reality 
I believe this is a realistic view of the world because it is a guy who's car broke down so he wants to drive the other guy's car so he wants 50% of the winnings but the owner of the car says he only gets 30% of the winnings. I believe it is supposed to be a realistic view because it is just a couple of friends that like to race and get into a fight because of jealousy and stuff goes wrong and the one almost dies because of it. I feel it is portrayed this way because the message of the song is just growing up in a small little town and living a simple life and in the video that is represented because they know the mechanic and he is letting him drive his car where in a big city chances are that wouldn't happen. I doesn't represent pop culture because they are all about following the trends.
Image result for may we all video
Codes and Conventions 
The codes and conventions of this video are that men are agressive and get to involved in sports and that can get the better of them. It also shows that people that live in the country are mechanics and work labour jobs and dont wear suits to work. Also, the lyrics talk about them wanting to live in a small town and drive a tractor and just cruise in their truck, which is a stereotype about people that live in the country. It also talks about fields turning from green which is when fields become ready to harvest which is another stereotype of people that live in the country that they are all farmers.

Creeds and Values
The value statements in this video are that competition can get the better of someone because the other guy won the race brian smashed him into the wall which caused his car to catch on fire and almost cause tyler to lose his life. County lifestyles are portrayed a working mechanic and also dirt racing and it also talks about farming in the lyrics and also cruising in a bronco which is an older truck/SUV that a very common for people that live in the country.
Image result for may we all video

I believe this is an effective way to sell the song because someone will watch the video and talk about how good the video is so someone else will go on youtube and watch the video which also plays the song and get views on youtube so it makes money. The target audience is really anyone that likes country music because fans of Florida Georgia line are going to watch the video because it is Florida Georgia line and then see how good the video is and tell their friends about it. Yes the video does with the song because it is talking about living in a small town and living the country lifestyle which is represented in this video

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