My intended audience is going to be males aged 18-24 because
it is a more mature show so I don't want to aim it at a younger audience so I'm going to play it at 10:00 pm on Monday
night on MTV. I think it will appeal to this audience because males tend to
like the shows about different topics like this compared to the girls who like
shows like say yes to the dress and 4 wedding.
My hook or way to get people to watch the show and keep them
watching is that there is going to be lots of drama between the contestants
because they are all going to be racist towards each other but also trying to
get over there addictions. It also is on a boat so that is going to make it
more interesting because there is no escape unless they decide to jump into the

What the people on the show are going to be doing is going through rehab for their addiction so meeting with therapists and having talks with other people and also probably going through withdraw because they won't be able to get there drug or alcohol . They will also be living together dealing with their racism towards each other because there will be a white, black, Mexican, Muslim and other people.
The focus of the show is going to be on the people that are
going to be on the show trying to get over their addiction. The people going on
the show are going to be on the show for 1 season and then next season there will be all new people. They are going
to be people over the age 18 both genders. They could
have come from different backgrounds it doesn't really matter where they
come from because they will all be addicted to something like drugs or alcohol
and are going to be very racist towards each other.
This will take place on a boat that they will board in the Dominican republic and then it will move out
into the ocean so that way there is no escape and also there is no way for them
to get the drugs or alcohol or whatever they are addicted too on board. It will
a fairly big and fancy boat but not like the size of a yacht. Image result for
big fancy boat
The goal of the show is for them to get over their addiction
and racism. There will be no prize for them other then they will no longer be addicted
so they can move on with their lives.

How this show will be successful is that there will be lots
of drama because it will be racist people living together that are also
addicted to drugs or alcohol so they will be going through withdraw and will
probably be emotionally unstable so they will cause lots of drama. People will
also probably get attached to the show and want to see if the people on the
show will get over their addiction.