Sunday, January 22, 2017

mini review #3

Election mini review
We watched a lot of videos and read a lot of articles about the election and i think that we analyzed it pretty unbiased and showed both sides of it. Hillary's speech after losing the election was really classy in my opinion and even though that she was upset that she lost she still showed a lot of class in the speech and didn't disrespect Donald in any way. The debates on the other hand were a completely different story both of them were really unprofessional and were basically just yelling at each other and were not professional at all. I think that we covered news that was biased to Hillary and some that were biased to Trump and also some that was pretty un biased.

mini review #2

Dating Naked review
I think that dating naked is an interesting show i find it weird that people would go across the world onto an island to get naked with some random person and go on a date with them. Nowadays there are lots of apps and websites that can help you find a match without leaving the country or getting completely naked on the first date. I think that people do this because they want to go to the island and have a really good vacation. Another reason i think that they would want to do this is because they had some bad experiences with dating and want to try a new method to finding someone new. But i still think all they have to do is try different dating apps or websites or even going to a bar like the old fashion way. The show in my opinion is pretty good though it was interesting to watch and keeps the audience interested.

mini review #1

Evan Gun ad review  
The commercial about gun violence was really good in my opinion it got the point across of being aware and looking for the signs of a school shooting. I also think that they made the commercial interesting and if I saw it on TV I wouldn’t of changed the channel because I wanted to see what happened to the Evan and who was writing him back on the table. Then all of a sudden it changes and it was showing how someone was planning a school shooting. I think that it kept people interested and really brought awareness to gun violence. I think it was a good idea how they had all of the incidents leading up to the shooting in plain sight but everyone was too focused on Evan and him trying to find his writing buddy to pay attention to them. It was a really good commercial in my opinion.